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first month on the road

On October 8th, Elli and I filled the tank, hugged our loved ones, and took off. It has been 4 whole weeks on the road. Honestly, wow! I'm 3400km in, sitting in a parking lot in a beautiful Italian mountain town close to the border of France. I'm about to jot down the most memorable from each country and spot we've adventured through so far. It's a month's worth of experiences, so buckle up!
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A Whirlwind of an Experience.

It's been a while since our last blog, but trust me the prep work has gone on without stopping! And let me tell you - it's been a whirlwind of an experience in all aspects. The fact that re-doing a van is hard work is an understatement. It takes time, awesomest of friends, big-time financial resources, and a lot of patience. Thanks for sticking with us and here's how it's been so far.
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How Elli and I became a team.

Here comes a long overdue ‘Elli’-post! In case you haven’t figured it out yet, she’s a White Swiss Shepherd with an October birthday, so she’s finally graduated the puppy crocodile level! I couldn’t be happier about that! She came into my life on January 24th, so I’ve almost known her a year now.
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I'm grateful. I'm scared. I'm loved.

What you're about to read is a literal excerpt from my handwritten notebook. I'm in the in-between moment in my life. The adventure has started, but it really hasn't yet. I'm balancing so many unfinished things with work, school, and relationships + regular mundane daily stuff. This is an honest reflection of where I'm at. I hope you'll find at least one truth from this which is true for you, too.
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It's already started.

The 'adventure' itself is yet to start. But in a way, it's already started. We've sold our home and are waiting for our future RV home to be ready. We're prepping and we're waiting - both are true at the same time. Also - so sweet you've found your way over here! What you'll hopefully find is an honest and encouraging reflection of our adventure. 
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