It's already started.


The 'adventure' itself is yet to start. But in a way, it's already started. We've sold our home and are waiting for our future RV home to be ready. We're prepping and we're waiting - both are true at the same time. Also - so sweet you've found your way over here! What you'll hopefully find is an honest and encouraging reflection of our adventure. 
Okay, here goes nothing. We - I mean me and my 1-year-old Swiss shepherd pup, Elli, coz we're kind of a package deal - have sold our apartment in a small Southern Estonian town. The mortgage is paid off and our brand-new RV is still in the making. Things are happening fast. Much faster than anyone could've anticipated. Not that it's all going without hiccups and a few failures but on that at another time. Most things just click! It feels like it's supposed to be. It's an odd feeling. A good kind of odd feeling, tho. It feels like grace. And I bet it is.

What you might want to know, is why. Why did I sell a perfectly good apartment? Why am I getting an RV? Why would I leave a perfectly safe country? Oh, right - forgot to tell you, but we're leaving the country! To where you might ask? The plan is to trip around southern Europe + the USA, but who knows! We'll decide when we get to it - that's an about as honest answer I can give you! Back to all those 'whys'! There are all together at least three answers to those. First, for ages, I've felt 'stuck'-attached to my beautiful home and I've dreamt of traveling and discovering the world for as long as I remember. I lived in Israel for four years, so I knew what I missed. I miss the different cultures, the experience, and the awesome people from all over! Second, doctors have been telling me for 7+ years to change the climate to help with muscle + joint pain. I'm finally listening! And third, why not?! Literally, why not! For how long will I stare at beautiful IG reels from all over and dream of doing the same? I've decided to simply go for it. I'm 30, I don't have a 'proper' family yet and my sweet pup is the happiest whenever and wherever we're together. So she's for sure down to go!

There's obviously still SO much more behind all of this adventure. I'll for sure get into some, and keep some to myself, as well, but I think getting the biggest 'whys' out of the way is a good start.

Until the actual travel stuff starts I'll keep on sharing our prep for the trip, more reasons behind it, and perhaps even some stuff about our latest hikes. All in random order, of course. I'll also add some of our fave pics from our recent hike! Elli is sweet and cute, so that's enough reason for it!

Talk to you soon!
Kadri and Elli

PS: I realize I forgot to properly introduce myself - if you didn't guess it by now, I'm Kadri! Nice meeting you!

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